Saturday, September 28, 2013

Hair Journey Update

Hello everyone! I know it's been a long time, but after starting my new job I got very busy. I have a new found respect for teachers and all that they go through to prepare for classes. However, I am enjoying this new career path that I've taken.

I want to update on my hair. I decided to put myself on a no heat challenge for three months. I haven't blow dried or flat ironed my hair since June and it was much easier than I thought. As I stated in a previous post, I have found it easier when I apply my foaming wrap after my leave in and oil. The foaming wrap helps my edges and hair lay down flat and dry with a great shine. So, since this was working out so well I'm going to continue air drying. I don't have any pictures because I haven't really been doing anything special, just bunning. I've been looking for some other styles to try on air dried hair, so that I don't have to just wear a bun. I may step out and try a braid out again or something like flexi rods or roller sets. I got another idea for air drying from a blog I read (can't remember who), but it was talking about air dying in a French roll. Since I love French rolls I have got to try this!

When I decide to flat iron I will do a length check and see where my hair is at that time. Since I finally got a handle on the shedding and breakage I was having, I want to flat iron and see how things are looking. I can tell that my hair seems to bouncing back and I'm very happy about that. Hopefully, if time allows I'll be able to do that soon.

Until next time, have a blessed evening!

Blessed Tresses :-)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can relate to life getting in the way of regular updates, good luck with everything, especially the new job.

  3. I hear you. I myself haven't been around my blog or YT channel for a while. I attended the Bronner Brothers Hair Show here in Texas which concludes tomorrow.

    I have to write about the event because the host of the show is looking forward to reading the blog article. LOL! Plus other people who were in attendance in the audience. She made me stand up and tell people about my blog! Oh Lord! LOL! So I am obligated to write about the show again like I did last year.

  4. Candice~Hi, thank you and thanks for stopping by.

    Butterscotchchick~I have always wanted to attend a hair show. I need to put that on my bucket list. Well, since you are obligated to blog about it, I will definitely be checking it out :-)

  5. LOL! Yes, you definitely should. Look out for it soon.


I love hearing from you...Have a blessed day!