Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hair Cuff Update

I finally ended my 38 week stretch on October 27, 2012.  I think I may have accidentally texlaxed, but I love the texture of my hair.  Originally I was planning to stretch for 6 months, but got busy and ended up going longer.  I learned this stretch that I could go even longer because I've figured out what my hair likes and needs during long stretches.  I decided to cut my thin ends about two weeks before I relaxed, so I went from MBL back to under my bra strap.  At first I wasn't sure how I felt about losing the length, but after I saw how thick and healthy my ends looked I was pleased.  Since I know that my hair can grow to MBL it was no big deal to start over with fresh ends.  I didn't flat iron after this touch up, so I'll post pics of my length next wash.  Here are pics of the hair cuff that I got from Nadege over at